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Inbuilt functions in verilog


Verilog built-in functions, along with an example for each:

  1. $clog2:

    • Description: Returns the minimum number of bits required to represent the logarithm base 2 of the input value.

    • Example: parameter WIDTH = $clog2(8); // WIDTH will be 3

  2. $signed:

    • Description: Converts an expression to a signed value.

    • Example: reg [7:0] unsigned_value = 8'b10101010; reg signed [7:0] signed_value = $signed(unsigned_value);

  3. $unsigned:

    • Description: Converts an expression to an unsigned value.

    • Example: reg signed [7:0] signed_value = -8; reg [7:0] unsigned_value = $unsigned(signed_value);

  4. $random:

    • Description: Returns a random 32-bit value.

    • Example: reg [31:0] random_value = $random;

  5. $display:

    • Description: Displays the specified string or values during simulation.

    • Example: $display("Value = %d", value);

  6. $monitor:

    • Description: Monitors the specified variables and displays their values whenever they change.

    • Example: $monitor("Value changed: %d", value);

  7. $time:

    • Description: Returns the current simulation time in simulation cycles.

    • Example: $display("Current time: %0t", $time);

  8. $stime:

    • Description: Returns the simulation time as a string.

    • Example: $display("Simulation started at: %s", $stime);

  9. $finish:

    • Description: Stops the simulation and ends the simulation run.

    • Example: if (condition) $finish;

  10. $cast:

    • Description: Converts an expression to the specified data type.

    • Example: reg [7:0] data = $cast(reg [3:0], 5);`

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