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Interview Questions for 1 to 2 years exprienced DV engineer
Generic Questions for Service based Companies
1. What IP have you worked on. Explain its functionality. Explain the features of your IP. (answer this in 3 minutes if possible.)
2. Explain any bugs that you have found in RTL.(Try to focus on minimal bugs. Even if it is a single good bug)
3. Were you involved in coverage activity?
4. Were you involved in writing Test Plan?
5. What are the protocols that you used.
6. What tool did you use for generating coverage, for debugging using waveforms.
7. Difference between IP/block level v/s SOC level.
8. Explain how bootcode works/How your IP gets boot up.
Generic Questions for Product Based Companies
1. What are caches. Direct, set associative cache, practical examples.
Cache coherency if your CV mentions that.
2. What are the protocols you have worked on. Explain how the transaction starts.
Types of Errors and when do you see them For eg: SLVERR vs DECERR. Where did you use this protocol.
If you mention protocols like APB, are they used now a days even when protocols like AXI are available? ​
3. Write a driver/scoreboard/monitor (sometimes even complete TB based on your CV)
4. Interrupt Handlers.
5. Address Mapping, explain VA to PA mapping.
6. Pipelining. (3 stage vs 5 stage pipeline processor)
7. What are pagetables.
8. Branching
9. Multicores , multithread, multiprocesses.
Most of the interviewers start with these generic questions, further interview is conducted based on the answers you give for these questions. Remember, this is your first impression for the interviewer.
Don't forget to check out the next tutorial for the most inevitable questions asked during interview and how to crack them.
For a specific question bank keep following this space.